Complete brand identity including brand voice, positioning in digital and physical realms, publication design and programming shift their role from promoting Asian culture to curators of Asian cinema excellence.
Ciné-Asie (official name: Ciné-Asie Film Institute) is a Montreal-based, non-profit Film and Media Company that seeks to explore the unique identity of Asian-Canadian media arts and artists. Its mission is to develop and create cinema that empowers people who are marginalized by mass media and to introduce the Asian cult and genre films to the wider public. Ciné-Asie is involved in many different projects including film contests, exhibitions and film screenings at the Cinémathèque québécoise.
Their current identity and brand presence focuses more on the cultural aspect of the organization which undermines its cinematic credibility making their festival less popular than the other festivals from similar organizations. Thus, the shortening of their name signaling an organizational reorientation towards Asian cinema excellence.
As an Asian-Canadian, I found it important as a brand exercise to redefine their brand because I strongly believe in their mission and that it would help them revitalize enthusiasm for their initiatives.
Role: Designer Client: Ciné-Asie Teacher: Louis Gagnon